Wednesday, June 24, 2009

brothers in this bed

Today Clive has a little fever from his immunizations yesterday so he has been whining and sleeping a little more. While I was holding him, Caden was climbing in and out of his crib, so when I laid him back down, I asked Cade to say out of the crib so baby Clive could sleep. I was sitting out in the living room and I heard on the monitor, Caden was singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. I went back to see what was happening and he was in the crib singing to Clive and I said "what are you doing in here, I asked you not to climb in there right now" and Cade said "I just wanted to be brothers in this bed". It was so sweet, he was singing to him and hugging him to help him fall asleep. Despite his almost worried look in the photos, Clive loved it, he kept loosing his pacifier because he was smiling at Caden so much!
They are the best!

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